Well I won't be buying this book; toilet paper is still readily available and it's way cheaper and more absorbent than book pages. If I need toilet reading material, I currently have a Clive Barker novel to scare the shit out of me...and I prefer that to having the shit BORED out of me...
Mommie Dark
JoinedPosts by Mommie Dark
New Book from Greg Stafford Oct.1, 2001
by stevieb1 inisbn: 0-9659814-2-8. release/shipping date: october 1, 2001. pages: 160, paperback.
table of contents.
first dissertation - prophets and prophecy.
So Whats Your Choice Of News Info?
by Englishman inseeing all these different people on this board, together with varying personalities, thoughts and opinions, makes me wonder about our reading and viewing material.. take the daily news.
if you watch tv, which news programme do you spend most time viewing and why?
the same question as to which daily newspaper you read, plus, does your newspaper have a political bias that attracts you?
Mommie Dark
I'm with Seeker on this one: I cruise as many news sources as I can find. Our cable operator offers three all-news channels, and I switch between them. Most tv news sources are so voyeuristic that I can't stomach their commentary, though. I try to stay awake for the BBC news on our local PBS station. I like MacNeil/Lehrer on PBS, and when my idiot radio will work I like NPR news.
The more viewpoints I can find the more information I can glean out of the rhetoric. Skepticism and iconoclasm are your friends in dealing with all media...
conversation with my son
by Mommie Dark inmy ten-year-old asked me why someone would want to hijack planes and crash them causing so much death and destruction.
i told him that it was the work of religious fanatics who had been trained to hate and fear those who do not worship their god their way.
he asked why anyone would suicide like that in order to kill so many.
Mommie Dark
My ten-year-old asked me why someone would want to hijack planes and crash them causing so much death and destruction. I told him that it was the work of religious fanatics who had been trained to hate and fear those who do not worship their god their way. He asked why anyone would suicide like that in order to kill so many. I told him what Steve Hassan said about the way they were indoctrinated into believing that their Paradise reward would be immediate, and that they genuinely believe their god approves of their actions.
I also told him that some of the people screaming the loudest for revenge were religious fanatics who worship yet another version of god, and who hate everyone who does not worship their god their way.
This gorgeous child stood and thought about it while I finished making his breakfast. Then he said, "Mom, I thought God made us all to get along. I don't understand why anyone would think He would want them to kill for him."
I said, "I don't understand either, hon."
He doesn't think there will be a war. He's confident the criminals will be found and punished, and that the world will act sanely in response to this crime. Blessed child! I wish I were as certain...
Jesus wept! This from a child who has never been indoctrinated with any religious anything. If he can figure it out, WHY CAN'T THE REST OF THE WORLD?
My husband is smoking pot
by jurs ini know this is not witness related but i just caught my husband smoking pot.
i am so upset !!!
he is an alcoholic and has a terrible temper.
Mommie Dark
"Because marijuana is a lot stronger than it used to be, you're also more likely to abuse it and become dependent on it today than in the past."
Well this statement is a flat out lie. Marijuana is exactly the same plant matter it has always been. The only difference is that smokers became more discriminating and realized that only the flowering tops were worth smoking, and suppliers stopped cutting the whole plant up to sell to buyers who were rejecting the inferior grade product.
This is the thing about anti-drug propaganda that pisses me off the most; talking about addiction to marijuana and LSD, pretending that marihuana is somehow a different drug than it used to be, pretending that pot is somehow a 'gateway' to harder drugs...slipping lies and misinformation into their disinformation packets in order to justify keeping prohibition and its lucrative machinery running.
Addiction is serious business and to natter about marijuana addiction as if it somehow equates to genuine drug addiction is really blind stupidity.
Pot smoking is not the major problem jurs is facing; the serious problem is alcoholism and some major control issues. Concentrating on the pot smoking is like slapping a bandaid on a severed artery. Pointless and irrelevant to the underlying problem.
``Quality Time'' in Field Service: Fact or Fiction
by Room 215 inbased on comments in various threads, it seems that many of you are acquainted with the various ``dodges'' jws use to strech out their field service time: foot-dragging, driving around on return visits from one far-flung end of the territory to the other, the skilful avoidance of contact with housholders, coffee breaks, etc.
etc.. do you have any impression of how pervasive these time-wasting such practices are, and what proportion of the time reported by jws is actually bogus and not spent productively?
or, put another way, how rare is is to encounter who just loves to go out and who uses his/her time efficiently from beginning to end?.
Mommie Dark
The only person I ever knew who genuinely liked service was an old gent who frankly had no other activity to fill his time. He was entirely oblivious to the attitude or opinion of householders, and was deaf as a post to boot, and hardly anyone would work with him because he would go on nattering about the Kingdom even in the face of outright hostility and threat. He worked alone most all the time, and the service overseer would have to forcibly take away his favorite territories and replace them, because he would hit the same streets over and over for weeks on end.
Last week we were in a parking lot on a busy corner and saw four Jdubs in service go walking past. They were in a business district with stores and churches mostly, very few homes scattered in between. They were all doing that 'pioneer shuffle' R-E-A-L slow up the block and through the intersection. The men were walking together and were even slower than the women.
I pointed them out to Little Dark and told him what they were doing. When I told him that their slow deliberate pace was called 'the pioneer shuffle' he cracked up and started singing a fave Dr. Demento tune, "The Thorazine Shuffle". He got their attention, too...one of the old gents gave us a look that would melt paint. This made Little go off into more gales of giggles.
How can anyone take them seriously when they look so hangdog and unhappy doing what they do? My ten-year-old can see it for pete's sake!
by MadApostate ini just drove by the local kh on my way home, and the parking lot was overflowing, almost like at the memorial.
there were probably 50% more autos than are normaly at the average ms/sm.. is this just a local "phenomenon"?
anyone else here live near a kh?
Mommie Dark
'general cooty direction' BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good one, and thanks for the comic relief because I need it with my head wanting to explode like this. I'll never be able to drive past a KH without thinkin of cooties now...
off to relearn how to make those cute paper cootie catchers,
MD -
well I guess I am a herd animal after all...
by Mommie Dark in...because i have been needing the flock to share this horror with me.. i've spent more time hanging around the board and chat in the last 24 hours than i usually devote in a week.
it just feels like nobody understands the peculiar blend of numb and sick i'm feeling quite like you folks do.
there's a comfort in it somehow.
Mommie Dark
...because I have been needing the flock to share this horror with me.
I've spent more time hanging around the board and chat in the last 24 hours than I usually devote in a week. It just feels like nobody understands the peculiar blend of numb and sick I'm feeling quite like you folks do. There's a comfort in it somehow.
I watch, appalled, as the media lapses into the pornography of violence, as the rhetoric machine cranks up, preparing to desensitize us all to the individual horrors, so we can be shielded by our whipped-up nationalist fervors during the inevitable military retribution.
Papa asks me why I am sitting holding my head with both hands. I tell him I'm trying to keep my brain from falling out. I can't grasp the enormity of the suffering girdling the planet, but I can feel the suffocating fear of every single wretched grieving soul today. It's wearying.
Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose...death and destruction are horrors no matter where, when, or why. This platitude, although true, is comfortless under the circumstances. Since I have foregone the dubious pleasures of praying up my woes to an imaginary friend, I've relied on rational thought to guide me. Unfortunately, rational thought about irrational religiopolitical hatred is giving me a tremendous brainlock. Thus I find myself haunting the board, just wanting the comfort of the familiar. Of extended family...
Revelation- Inspired or......A case of bad Chicken
by noidea inthe book of revelation is unlike any other book in the bible.
so many visions leaving many to wonder what do they mean?
supposedly, it holds the key to the future of mankind.. john had been through so many trials and tribulations.
Mommie Dark
This seems the ideal place to suggest you try John Allegro's book _The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross_.
He talks about the alkaloid properties of amanita, and how some Essene inititates would eat the mushrooms and suffer the toxic neurologic effects so the priests could collect their urine for a safer shamanistic trip for themselves.
Revelation makes a lot more sense if you consider it a dream or drug hallucination.
Why did you have children (or not)?
by JustAThought inok, after reading some of the responses in the mental health and depression forum ... and of the mormons' urging of their followers to have large families, ... and participating in the discussion on the costs associated with having and raising children, ... the question comes up ... .
for those of you with children or not, or those contemplating having children or not, ... what factors did/do you consider in making your decision (or, was there any decision-making involved)?.
do you think children, largely, are just a by-product of sexual activity between fertile men and women, ... or are there other, deeper issues involved?.
Mommie Dark
My older sons were not planned, they were byproducts of youthful stupidity. I'm lucky they turned out as nice and decent as they did, because I did everything possible wrong in raising them. My youngest was a planned event. He is getting the benefit of my deculting in his upbringing. When the big boys were little I had boundless energy and very little patience; Little doesn't remember my pre-crip active days but he does get my patient attention whenever he wants or needs it. (Fortunately there are other able-bodied adults around to do the park and sports thing with him.) I wish with all my heart I had been brave enough to raise the older kids without cult chains. Watching Little's mind blossom without a fear governor is a wonderful precious thing. Each day is a new adventure with him!
Yesterday was his tenth birthday and he is having his party Saturday. Shhh! A Dragonball Z cake and a couple of cool new Lego toys are ready for him...
How does a JW change a lightbulb?
by Mommie Dark inhe tacks against the wind from 'old light' to 'new light'
Mommie Dark
He tacks against the wind from 'old light' to 'new light'